3月25号周日,基督城北邻 Waimakariri 地区的市镇 Rangiora 在Victoria Park 举行了首届“多彩节”,旨在让多族裔人们有幸相聚。踊跃参加的男女老少兴高采烈地喷洒彩粉,披红挂绿,象征着多族裔人民吉祥和谐。大家以狂欢的形式,表达当地居民对新来移民的欢迎!
本次活动由 Waimakariri 市政府诸单位与新西兰湖北经贸文化协会联合举办。别具中国特色、精彩欢快的歌舞表演、舞狮舞龙,游行走秀,首次在Rangiora登台亮相,为当天多彩的活动压轴添彩!Waimakariri地广人稀,平时少有大型活动。那天,数千名居民远道而来,伴着音乐,吃喝玩乐,欢呼喝彩,好一片多族裔人民和睦相处的氛围!
The Rangiora Festival of Colour 2018 was held on 25th March 2018, 10am – 4pm, at Victoria Park in central Rangiora. People splash vibrant colours, enjoy cultural performances, great music and food with family and friends. This event was focused on bringing life and colour to Rangiora town and celebrating its diversity and energy!
The festival is all about bringing the community together!
Thousands of people enjoined this exciting community festival that reflects the multicultural nature of our North Canterbury home. It has provided opportunities for the many ethnic and cultural groups in the area to make a connection with the wider community through food, music, performance in an exciting and fun way!
Festival Philosophy: To recognize and celebrate not only the strong Maori and European heritage of the region but also the increasing growth of “other” New Zealanders as well.
Of course, along with fantastic food, drink, dance, music and performances, the highlight will be the “throwing” of vibrant colours by those attending the festival! Along with colour cannons and colour foam, this throwing of colours (natural corn starch powder and food grade natural dyes) was one of the most visually exciting events to come to North Canterbury!
“多彩节”的前一天,由Waimakariri 市政府和新西兰湖北经贸文化协会合办的“恩施风情飘大洋”摄影艺术展在Rangiora的艺术厅展出,为“多彩节”开场点睛。当地市政议员、社团组织负责人、文化界人士和华人代表等60多人应邀出席了开幕式。市长David Ayers、Waimakariri地区的新西兰国会议员Matt Doocey,中国驻Christchurch总领馆汪志坚总领事、新西兰湖北经贸文化协会会长周亚非博士分别致辞并为摄影展开幕剪彩,庆贺Waimakariri和恩施结为姊妹城市两周年!两年前,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会曾联系、推动和帮助了友城的缔结,开启了友谊的新篇章。本次展览将长达一个多月,通过艺术视觉,让姊妹城的市民了解、感受不同的中国文化,环境、人文和生活习俗。
On 24th March 2018, Enshi vision in Oceania photo exhibition co-organized by Waimakariri District Council, NZ Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association and Rangiora library was exhibited at the Gallery Chamber of Rangiora.
Mayor David Ayers, Matt Doocey, Member of Parliament of NZ at Waimakariri District, Consul General Zhijian Wang, the Chinese Consulate in Christchurch, and Dr Yafei Zhou, President of NZ Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association, respectively delivered speeches and cut the ribbon for the exhibition to mark the second anniversary of the sister cities of Waimakariri and Enshi.
Two years ago, the NZ Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association had linked and facilitated the sister city relationship between the two.
These photos are to be exhibited there for over a month. Through different perception, the citizens of Waimakariri will enjoy and have a better understanding of Chinese culture, environment, people and customs.
开幕式结束后,Waimakariri 市政府、图书馆和北坎特博雷移民部门、公民咨询局和新西兰湖北经贸文化协会等单位合办了华人社团信息讲座,穿插着“橄榄树”语言学校与到会者的互动活动。中国驻Christchurch总领馆汪志坚总领事也参加了这项活动,与当地华人亲切交谈,了解他们的学习生活情况,还给图书馆的小朋友赠送了吉祥狗。Waimakariri市政府代表向华人介绍他们的相关服务机构和建房及租房信息,帮助新移民在新西兰和Waimakariri安居乐业。这场活动,体现了新中政府及相关单位对华人移民的友善关心和真诚照顾!
The main benefit from the Enshi relationship is expected to be cultural, promoting an increased understanding of Chinese culture that will be strengthened further through school connections.
Given the huge growth in Chinese tourists to New Zealand in recent years, with direct flights now from China to Christchurch, the relationship provides opportunities to enhance our understanding of Chinese culture so we can better cater for their needs.
People attending this event will have the opportunity to learn about services available from: Waimakariri Libraries, Waimakariri District Council, Creative Communities, Citizens Advice Bureau, and the Migrants and Newcomers group. Families are encouraged to attend and there will be a Storytimes session, and fun activities provided by the Olive Tree Language School, to keep children engaged while the formal speeches occur, to be followed by a taste of featured Chinese food.
最后,大家一边品尝中华美食,体验中华文化,一边交流信息,收获真不小! 这是一次非常开心又有意义的大型周末活动,华人的融入,为这多彩的主流活动增添了光彩!
新西兰湖北经贸文化协会秘书处供稿 翁建强、张江容等人摄影
点击此网链分享 恩施摄影展 在Waikakariri的Rangiora艺术馆开幕式 (徐柏曾录像)