In honour the 10th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Christchurch and Wuhan
The vision of NZ was held at Zhuoer Art Gallery, Wuhan China 16-22 Dec 2016.
This exhibition is a reciprocal culture exchange event of Chinese Art Exhibition held in April 2016 at the University of Canterbury. Over a hundred outstanding works have been presented by Christchurch Photograph Society for the Wuhan exhibition.
今年是武汉市与基督城建立姊妹城市10周年,中新双方共同努力,为此举办了一系列庆典活动。早在4月,刘英姿副市长率武汉市政府代表团访问基督城并出席了 “翰墨丹青舞大洋”大型中国画展开幕式,开启了庆典、纪念活动的序幕。时值2016年末,新西兰大型摄影展是新中文化交流系列庆典活动的回展与续篇,将两市结为姊妹城市10周年系列文化交流活动推向高潮!

Guests registration desk 参观登记/签到处
Over a hundred distinguished guests gathered at the grand opening ceremony at Zhuoer Art Gallery Wuhan 16 Dec, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Christchurch and Wuhan. Including: Wuhan former executive deputy mayor Mr SanNa Yuan; Hubei Province Foreign and Overseas Chinese committee director YuanZhou Shao; Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Wuhan Municipal Government deputy director XiaoMing Duan; NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association deputy president YuLan Liu and representatives; Confucius Institute at University of Canterbury Director Dr Adan Lam, and deputy director Dr Jing Jiang; Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hubei Provincial People’s Government overseas Chinese division director WangZhou Li and Overseas Chinese in China Division Director Yi Yang; Hubei province photograph society deputy chairman, Wuhan photograph society chairman Lian Cheng Jia; Hubei province photograph society deputy chairman, <<Yangzi River Daily>> photograph division director Fei Tian; Wuhan Red and Black Culture Industry Ltd director, Visions of NZ Photo Exhibition Planer Dr Gong Qin; Also, leaders and representatives from Christchurch, Hubei province and Wuhan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affaire Offices, Wuhan Overseas Exchange Society, Wuhan Zhuoer Group, Wuhan Tourism Bureau, Wuhan Culture Bureau, Wuhan City Plan Bureau, Wuhan City Administration, Wuhan Archive Bureau, also photograph lovers and supporters of the Exhibition Visions of NZ.
Opening ceremony 开幕式会场






生活在一个充满阳光雨露和用爱滋润的环境里,人们心、眼中感受的一切,都是那样的温暖,表现在镜头里的山川河流、风土人情、都市节奏、生活情趣等,都是感人至深的真情流露,如: James Gibson的《远航》、John Thornton的《界线》、Newe Grenfell的《毛利盛餐》。其中有在国际和新西兰国内摄影大赛中的金奖作品,她代表着新西兰当代摄影创作的新风格、新意境。摄影家们用自己的心和情去捕捉属于人类和大自然的每一个瞬间,似流动的诗,又似凝固的音符,感动着整个世界;用不同的角度和感受,告诉大家一个充满情怀和让人眷念的大千世界。展出的作品内容丰富,题材广泛。尤其是新西兰摄影家在中国拍摄的部分作品,融合了不同文化背景下对世界的审视,也是对中新两国人民生活与友谊的新解读。
The Photo Exhibition was hosted by Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Wuhan Municipal Government; Organised by: Wuhan Overseas Exchange Association, NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association; Co-organised by Wuhan Zhuoer Art Gallery, Wuhan Red and Black Culture Industry Ltd, Christchurch Photograph Society; planned by Dr Gong Qin, Executive Deputy President of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association.
这次摄影展由武汉市外事侨务办公室主办,武汉市海外交流协会、新西兰湖北经贸文化协会承办,武汉卓尔美术馆、武汉红与黑文化实业公司和新西兰基督城摄影家协会协办。由新西兰湖北经贸文化协会常务副会长 秦工 博士策划。
A photo worth thousands words, act as universal language to enhance the understanding of the people and their life. The exhibition has promoted effective culture exchange between Kiwi and Chinese people.
Thousands of people visited this exhibition during 16 ~ 22 Dec 2016 with passion and interest. The event has been reported in Wuhan and Hubei media.
It was a positive step forward in the co-operation of economy, trade and culture exchange between two countries.
自1996年武汉和基督城结为姊妹城市以来,两市在经贸、教育、农业、科技和环保等多领域的合作有着丰硕的成果。随着 “一带一路” 国策的实施,开启了共同繁荣的新篇章。
Report by Yang Zhou of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association
新西兰湖北经贸文化协会 晴阳 供稿
New Zealand <<Asian Media>> magazine reported
新西兰 <<亚洲桥>> 杂志 报导