In 23~28 Sep 2016, our association organised a NZ delegation attended the Third Expo at the World Selenium Capital, Enshi and the opening ceremony of “Vision of NZ” Photo Exhibition there. Enshi vice governor Mrs XiaoYian Chen made a speech, representatives from NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association, NZ Christchurch Photograph Society have made speech at the opening ceremony as well.
The Photo Exhibition was hosted by Enshi Selenium Products Expo, co-organised by: NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association, Christchurch Photograph Society, Enshi Foreigner Affaire Office, Enshi Literary Media Publication bureau, Enshi photograph Association, planed by Dr Gong Qin, Executive Vice President of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association.
Over a hundred high quality works of Christchurch photographers were exhibited at this Photo Exhibition/Culture exchange event, attracted thousands visitors to view, and added international culture element in the great occasion. This event has been reported by many Chinese publicities media channels in China and Christchurch, it is the excellent way to promote NZ Culture and people’s life.
Art has no boundary between nations. The exhibition has created a platform to exchange West and East visions and culture, to enhance understanding and friendship. This was a best gift to Enshi followed sister cities agreement signed in May 2016 with Waimakariri NZ with our association’s help. It was a positive step forward in the co-operation of economy, trade and culture exchange between two nations.
Reported by Yang Zhou of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association
2016年9月23 ~ 28日,由第三届世界硒都(恩施)硒产品博览会组委会主办,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会副会长秦工博士策划,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会、新西兰基督城摄影协会、恩施州外侨局、恩施州文体新闻出版广电局、恩施州摄影协会联合协办的<<视觉.新西兰>> — 基督城优秀摄影作品展,在恩施州文化中心首次开展!来自中国及世界各地参加硒博会的政府官员、企业家代表、嘉宾以及当地市民数千人,参加了当天的开幕式并观赏了来自白云深处故乡的摄影作品,领略了南半球新西兰人的视觉艺术。在摄影展开幕式上,恩施州陈晓燕副州长致辞,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会、基督城摄影协会等代表分别致辞。
中国新闻网、新华网、楚天网、湖北经视、湖北日报、恩施日报、恩施电视台、恩施新闻网等众多媒体对此次摄影展作了详细报道,盛赞这次摄影展是一次“搭建文化交流平台的活动,用生动画面展示新西兰风情” 的友谊传递,不是语言胜似语言,是硒博会国际文化元素新的篇章。
新西兰湖北经贸文化协会 晴阳 供稿

Grant Opening Ceremony of 《Vision of NZ》 at the Enshi Culture Centre Square

Representatives from NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association addressed at the grand opening ceremony
Enshi government officials and NZ delegation members at the entrance of the exhibition hall
Dr Gong Qin, the exhibition planner, introduced the feature of NZ photos to
Mr Wang, CCP secretary of Enshi government
Mr Paul Furborough, President of Christchurch Photograph Society,
met Enshi young photograph lovers/fans outside the entrance of the exhibition hall

Thousands of visitors viewed the great NZ works.
细细观赏,此时无声胜有声。 Enjoyed the vision of New Zealanders.

The venue of 《Vision of NZ》 Photo Exhibition in Enshi, Hubei of China
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